TEDxBuffalo Conference | Independently Organized TED Event | Ideas Worth Spreading


Empower TEDxBuffalo's mission by becoming a sponsor, and help fuel the creation of thought-provoking events.

Partners/ Sponsors

March 21th, 2024 Alleyway Theatre

Thank you to our 2024 sponsor:

Alleyway Theatre

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Alleyway Theatre for their generous sponsorship of TEDxBuffalo. Alleyway Theatre is a cornerstone of our community, dedicated to producing innovative and engaging theatrical productions that enrich the cultural landscape of Buffalo. With a commitment to fostering local talent and providing diverse programming, Alleyway Theatre has been instrumental in shaping the artistic identity of our city. Through their support, they've demonstrated a shared passion for sparking conversations and inspiring creativity, aligning perfectly with TEDxBuffalo's mission. We deeply appreciate Alleyway Theatre's partnership and the invaluable role they play in making our events possible.

Our Sponsors

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