Dream big.
We would like to hear about the idea that you think could change the world. What would you give a TED talk about?
Write a few sentences and email them to [email protected] to enter!
Deadline: Friday, September 23, 2011
Prize: Two tickets to the October 11, 2011 TEDxBuffalo: No Permission Necessary event at Canisius College Montante Cultural Center
My father first introduced me to TED even before it was TEDTalks…back in its beginning stages. We soon began poring over the site, watching video upon video. My parents, truly my best friends, have taught me so much, and by looking at these stories, I’ve really seen how lucky I truly I am to have them. As a student of International Communication, I continue to check the TED site often for inspirational stories from around the world–and often, he’ll send me links to ones he knows are pertinent to the field. The most amazing part of TED is the fact that, as outsiders, we can hear the same stories and learn the same information as everyone there. I’d love to attend this conference with him in Buffalo so that we can have a similar experience to what those amazing participants see at TED. We’d both love to enter in these discussions and create long-lasting connections.
I’m just getting started on this project, but wouldn’t it be great if instead of making assumptions about people’s religious beliefs / practices (“Oh, they’re X, so they must believe Y and do Z”) we actually listened to each other and let each person say what they believe (or don’t believe) and how that affects their lives. My hope is over the next few years to document the wonderful diversity of religious beliefs that exists here in Buffalo and share it with our community and the world.
Centralized and Decentralized Energy and Water Desalination
I believe that the two biggest sources of wealth in the next 50 years will be cheap energy and clean drinkable water. To change the world as the challenge question asks, we need to have a way to provide more low cost energy on an already over burdened energy grid, and use the excess capacity for items like water desalination that would provide water to farms, factories, and regular consumers. The changing climate and the reliance on foreign energy producers will make this a hot topic for years to come.
Please enter me to win two tickets to TEDxBuffalo.
Hi Dawn, If you read the contest rules you must submit a “Big Idea” to be entered into the contest. We look forward to hearing from you!